The excitement within my heart increases, as the dates of Goura Purnima 2009 come nearer. This year, I will take part in the parikrama of the 9 dvipas that is navadvipa. The celebrations in our temple will be in full swing, and I can immerse myself in the sounds of the Mahamantra, singing and dancing with joyous abandon, barefoot in the streets of Navadvipa. The energy of Baba, my gurudev, will permeate my being, and I will relive all the priceless moments I have shared with Him in this holy land! I am blessed to have lived with Him and served Him in Navadvipa.
All Glory to Guru & Gauranga! Navadvipa Dhama ~ the Love locked land! The transcendental nature of Navadvipa is revealed in a big way in all its beauty during the Dol Purnima festival. This is such a maddeningly magical time. There is so much one can do to taste the nectar of devotion. The ashrams are bursting at the seams with devotees ~ even a toehold during the discourses pouring out of the mouths of saints is a blessing. The temples are so beautifully decorated, the Dieties look ravishing, and the pilgrimage of the islands bestows blissfull blisters! Bathing in the Ganges, eating the prasad that has been offered to the Lord clears all body ailments and one feels the vitality of good health. What I also love very much is the sense of community, as people from all over the world congregate with the single intent to serve Lord Gauranga. One is instantly uplifted in this collective consciousness. The Holy Festival of Colours! Navadvipa ~ the land of nine islan...